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Understanding the Difference Between AdWords and AdWords Express

Today you’ll find a world full of options available for your internet marketing. You can’t even turn to Google for a “simple” solution anymore. Now even they are offering you an option – AdWords vs. AdWords Express. The choice isn’t as convoluted as you might think, once you have a firm understanding of both of …

Page Speed, an Essential Ranking Factor in 2018

In 2017, Google announced that website speed will be one of the most important ranking factors in its mobile-first index, as more than 50% of searches are now done through mobile devices. Obviously, webmasters had to adapt to this, making their websites as fast and accessible as possible. Or, if you prefer, put some serious …

7 Important Changes Social Media Marketing to Expect in 2018

We don’t spend much time pondering how our lives change in a single year. Instead, we simply think that things will stay pretty close to the same, except for the personal plans we make. Things like technology often get overlooked even though social media are continually updating. These changes are small, but they’re also quite …