We are going through an unprecedented public health crisis at the moment in the form of the Coronavirus pandemic. The situation is quickly turning into an unprecedented economic crisis as well. With the United States facing an indefinite lockdown all businessmen are trying to figure out how to go about doing business in the new, unfamiliar, and difficult conditions. Everyone is being asked to work from home as much as possible. Some businesses have been closed indefinitely due to the restrictions while others have moved to remote working. But one thing is certain and that is everyone is affected by the coronavirus situation. Content marketing always plays a critical role in businesses as they tackle a unique set of circumstances. This will continue as everyone comes to terms with the new reality. Here are some content marketing ideas that will help your internet marketing efforts a great deal.
1. Create a coronavirus content hub: Emails are going to play a significant role in your coronavirus internet marketing efforts and e-commerce strategies. However, there is so much noise going on at the moment that it is difficult to be heard. All the brands are desperately trying to update their customers about the efforts they are taking during the coronavirus crisis. Have a dedicated landing page on your site for everything related to coronavirus. How much content you place on the page will depend on the products of your business. However, the key is placing this all in a single place and then make it simple to access this page from the Home page. This way the customers will get the information they require from your website when they need it.
2. Take advantage of all the support: The government is making arrangements to support small businesses as more announcements are coming up shortly. There is help available for content marketing activity as well during the tough times. Facebook is offering a widespread reach for promoting social media content. They are offering $100 million to small businesses in terms of ad credits and grants. If you are planning any webinars or online training sessions during the epidemic Google will aid you by unlocking the premium features of the Hangouts Meet.
3. Re-optimize the existing content: There is every chance that the 24-hour coronavirus barrage will bury the new content you are creating. If you are worried about this possibility to invest some time and effort in raising the quality of existing content. Re-optimize the blogs and landing pages that rank in the SERPs but not in the positions that will bring traffic to your website. It is one of the better ways of showing your content marketing ROI. The lockdown is an ideal period to audit the content and get started on re-optimizing it. It will ensure that the content ranks in the SERPs for keywords that matter even when the demand for your products has lessened.
4. Re-organize your internet marketing strategy to bounce back: There is a strong connection between businesses with a documented content marketing strategy and the businesses that taste success at content marketing. Demands are likely to rebound and you need to make sure that you are ahead of the competition and ready when it does. Now is the time to re-organize your strategy and make sure that you have a solid foundation in place for finding out and engaging the audience during and after the coronavirus crisis is finished.
As you may have realized by now, the internet marketing tactics are going to change. What was acceptable once will not remain the same anymore. If you are uncertain about the internet marketing strategies to adopt for your business get in touch with professionals such as I SEO U for better results.