The game is getting more fierce as the competition for top spots on the search engines getting rougher every day.
This means you have to be like a basketball player and take the ball to the hoop, an expression meaning to forego all danger and put the ball in the hoop. In order to do this you’ve got to change your game plan across the board and use the available new tools and skills to grab those top SERPs..
Grasping The New
If you’re still holding onto the old ways of doing things regarding content marketing and SEO then you are probably wallowing around trying to figure out what to do next because you’re going nowhere.
Adapting to new techniques is a must. You’ll need to do some studying and on the job application, but it’s the only way to compete today.
Here’s an example. The Mobile market. People knew that mobile devices have been flying off the shelves. The ratio of searches via mobile are dominating the search engines, but you still have people with webpages that are nowhere near mobile friendly. Their pages look like something a chimp would make in a mobile device’s browser. So why don’t they go to Google and use their free tools to build their mobile websites?
Because of some idiotic reason no one can figure out. That’s why.
Foolish decisions and procrastination do not a successful content marketing campaign make. There are fundamentals you need to grasp and apply immediately. No surfer is going to wait until you come back from vacation and decide to upgrade your website to something convenient. You snooze and you lose in SEO.
The Competition Is Fierce
It’s bad enough that every other day a new technology or term pops up in SEO and you’ve got to drop what you’re doing to figure things out. What’s worse is if your competition gets the upper hand while you’re sitting around twiddling your thumbs or playing a video game instead of doing your SEO homework.
A professional content marketer is either going to be a prof level SEO engineer or they’ll hire one. The SEO engineer knows the game is for the long run and not some fly by night operation. This means that they and their client have to put together a short and long term strategy as well as be prepared increase anything goes viral.
You do not want tot find out that something went viral on your site and you didn’t optimize for monetizing. That’s like throwing money out the window by the bucketful. Believe it, your competitor will now what is successful on your site and try to undermine you or out do you. If you’ve left your defenses down, if you’ve allowed for some error on your part to be exploited by your competition, there is no one to blame but yourself.
Just the fact that to win the big picture you’ve got to pay. You’ve got to pay for the top website spot nowadays if you want to dominate your niche and market. If you’ve not the funds, then you had better have the strategy. This is where the skills of a pro SEO company come in.
They’ll know what you’re up against and what your weaknesses and strengths are. They might find something so rare on your site that a few tweaks later and you’re crushing the SEO pages. They’ll know the gold when they see it.
I SEO U is the kind of SEO content management company that can get you off to a good start or repair any damage you’ve done already. They’re highly affordable and will walk you through each step of the way.
They know how to plan for the long term and do the kind of detective and development work needed to ensure you can compete and rise to the best spots you can in the SERPs.