Blog - I SEO U

Optimize Speed and win the SEO “Fight”

When you think of SEO you probably think about conducting keyword research, creating engaging content, and building links. However, speed optimization is equally as important, although it’s often overlooked. This is probably because this factor was only applied to desktop searches until recently. Recently, Google has changed all this with the announcement that speed will …

7 Important Changes Social Media Marketing to Expect in 2018

We don’t spend much time pondering how our lives change in a single year. Instead, we simply think that things will stay pretty close to the same, except for the personal plans we make. Things like technology often get overlooked even though social media are continually updating. These changes are small, but they’re also quite …

How to make the most of social media in 2018?

The ways and means that users resort to for interacting on automated social media keep changing from year to year in tandem with technological advancements. The changing trends and patterns related to how users share, exchange, and interface on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter also mirror their preferences. People now have a much better of what …