When you think of SEO you probably think about conducting keyword research, creating engaging content, and building links. However, speed optimization is equally as important, although it’s often overlooked. This is probably because this factor was only applied to desktop searches until recently. Recently, Google has changed all this with the announcement that speed will …
Important Considerations When Hiring an SEO Company
When you’re looking at SEO for the first time, it’s easy to become confused. There’s a certain level of skill required to implement it on your website. It’s also important to have enough time to spend on putting together a good solid SEO campaign for your company. This is why it’s a good idea to …
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Use SEO to Dominate Your Local Rankings
Local SEO is one of the SEO best practices that businesses are really starting to use today. This is because they’re taking notice of how many people are using search engines when they need answers or to find a business in their neighborhood. Regardless of the size of your business, you need to take some …
Where Most People Mess up SEO
The search engine optimization (SEO) space never grows dull since you can always learn something new here – updates, tricks, and ideas to incorporate into your campaigns. This industry continually evolves so nobody ever knows everything there is to know. However, the fundamentals do remain the same as everything else changes and grows. Most people …
Outsourcing Your Local SEO
Local SEO plays a crucial role in your business’ success. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t understand this. They also don’t understand the reasons behind it. These reasons are important nevertheless. Using Language People in Your Area can Relate To One of the most important reasons why you should work with a local SEO company is they …
7 Important Changes Social Media Marketing to Expect in 2018
We don’t spend much time pondering how our lives change in a single year. Instead, we simply think that things will stay pretty close to the same, except for the personal plans we make. Things like technology often get overlooked even though social media are continually updating. These changes are small, but they’re also quite …
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Quality Content Marketing Is The Real Game
Oh there are numerous ways to get a website popular. You’ll hear gurus on those marketing sites say that their system does this, or their system does that. You’ll see numerous ebooks trying to cover the topic and charge people an arm and a leg who hope that they’ll find some secret magic bullet to …
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How to make the most of social media in 2018?
The ways and means that users resort to for interacting on automated social media keep changing from year to year in tandem with technological advancements. The changing trends and patterns related to how users share, exchange, and interface on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter also mirror their preferences. People now have a much better of what …
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NAP And Local SEO Calls For Skills
Sometimes it’s almost useless advising webmasters and marketers to realize the value of local SEO and the application of your NAPs (Name Address Phone) within your content and in your promotion. People are missing out on major opportunities because they can’t think in and outside of the box. We’re going to look at a few …
Diversity Is The Key To SEO Success
The field of SEO has seen numerous strategies over the years. Some worked well, and others tanked. Some did so well that they dominated the search engine listings while others were structured by less than ethical people who sought to use ‘black hat’ or illegal techniques to win the day. Now that Google is on …