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Google Fred Update

Google's Fred Update

Google has become infamous for having these named updates which push out and often cause major changes in rankings, many times sending webmasters and search engine optimization (SEO) service providers into a frenzy. The latest update, titled Fred, is no different from the historic trend when it comes to these updates. Google, per usual, has …

Tracking Google Algorithm Updates for Making SEO Strategy Effective

Tracking Google Algorithm Updates for Making SEO Strategy Effective

Google, the world’s most popular search engines release nothing less than 500-600 algorithmic updates every year. However, it is not possible to keep track of all Google algorithm updates but neither is it necessary. You need to be in the know only about the ones that matter and thereafter use these to maximize your SEO …

Noteworthy Aspects of Possum Update Algorithm from Google

Since Google’s launching of Panda, the first in a series of highly structured update algorithms used by the search engine for reviewing ranking pages, it has been steady in releasing updates. After releasing the Penguin update algorithm, Google went into hibernation with regards to introducing revised updates. However, in the past few years, Google has …