Blog - I SEO U

Optimize Speed and win the SEO “Fight”

When you think of SEO you probably think about conducting keyword research, creating engaging content, and building links. However, speed optimization is equally as important, although it’s often overlooked. This is probably because this factor was only applied to desktop searches until recently. Recently, Google has changed all this with the announcement that speed will …

Watch out for These 6 Types of Negative SEO

Negative SEO is a daunting threat because unfortunately it’s easy for your competition to ruin your ranking today. Understanding how this is defined will help you gain a better understanding of how your competition can hurt you. Essentially this is a set of off-page activities that will lower your rankings in the SERPs. Sometimes hacking …

Understanding the Difference Between AdWords and AdWords Express

Today you’ll find a world full of options available for your internet marketing. You can’t even turn to Google for a “simple” solution anymore. Now even they are offering you an option – AdWords vs. AdWords Express. The choice isn’t as convoluted as you might think, once you have a firm understanding of both of …